Meet Cecilia…
Cecilia Sayad is a Senior Lecturer in Film, and has been at the University of Kent for 15 years.
Why is Women’s History Month important to you?
In spite of the progress that some parts of the world have seen in gender equality, women continue to suffer from oppression, censorship and violence of various kinds, all over the world. Women can also be reluctant or shy to celebrate their achievements in all areas, and Women’s History Month offers a wonderful opportunity to do that.
What inclusive practices have you seen during your time at Kent that have impacted positively on you as a woman?
Colleagues in the School of Arts have often encouraged me to take up leadership positions, and have fully supported me when I have been in these roles.
Can you tell us about a woman who inspires you?
My mother continues to inspire me. She passed away more than 20 years ago, and I still remember the advice she gave me over the years, and find myself wondering what she would think about world events or life decisions I make. Unlike me, she was not academic–she actually had a hard time at school. But she worked all her life, had an insatiable curiosity (she devoured the news), and loved the arts. I’ve learned as much from her as I have from books.