The Beacon Institute, Brompton Academy and the School of Arts cordially invite you to…
The Beacon Institute Lighthouse Launch Event
At The Covered Courtyard, Historic Dockyard, Chatham
26 SEPTEMBER 2015 6-8pm
You are warmly invited to celebrate the inaugural year of the University of Kent’s Beacon Institute: Illuminating Arts and Science. Lighthouses are the symbol for this live interdisciplinary venture with its three lenses, shining new light into pasts, presents and futures. As beacons of mythology, lighthouses are historic buildings associated with the transition between land and sea, the navigation of challenging environments and the support of human endeavour in journeys of discovery. For its inaugural event, the Institute will stage interactive practical presentations in three lighthouses in three different countries, representing the cornerstones of the project’s global research network and partnerships: the virtual lighthouse in the University of Kent’s maritime setting, the Port Jefferson Lighthouse (Long Island USA) and the oldest lighthouse in Europe in Genoa, Italy.
The Beacon Institute website is launched as a platform for multidisciplinary practice based interactions across research cultures and countries. Utilising trans-communication and pioneering digital technologies, real-time distributed interactive presentations will be beamed across different sites to demonstrate initial outcomes and future directions.
Staged in the atmospheric Covered Courtyard, the programme also features new work by professional performers and participants from Brompton Academy, the University’s sponsored school, representing the Beacon Institute’s new citizens scheme. Future potential interacts with the historical site, utilising new technology in the liveness of the present. Join us as day turns to night, to look to the future.
RSVP to Sarah Passfield
Keep up to date with the event on twitter via @beaconinstuk and #lighthouse
BEACON PROJECTS: University of Kent’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations