ETRN Event: Profanations: Jerzy Grotowski v Polish National Drama – an illustrated lecture by Professor Dariusz Kosiński

You are invited to a European Theatre Research Network Event taking place on Tuesday 11 March, 6-9pm, Studio 1 Jarman Building (School of Arts)


“Profanations: Jerzy Grotowski v Polish National Drama an illustrated lecture by Professor Dariusz Kosiński (Jagiellonian University, Poland)


Wandering Sounds, a music-theatre piece by Sourcing Within”

  • Voice/song Ang Gey Pin (Singapore, Kent PhD student)
  • Musical instruments/live electronics/visuals Nickolai D. Nickolov (Bulgaria)

This is research into discovering a dialogue between voices and musical instruments, songs and live music performance, visual and live electronics.  In a mode of musical performance, tales are sung, spoken and enacted.  Tracing different musical traditions, the performer-musicians follow their collective and associative impulses, reflecting and re-creating via a performance act.


Two research presentations exploring the work and legacy of Polish director Jerzy Grotowski, past and present, in practice and in theory

All welcome.   Drinks will be provided in the interval between the two events.