Screening of the award-winning documentary Beauty is… (2014; 123min) + Q&A with the director

B y Toyin Agbetu @ The Gulbenkian Arts Centre, 16 May 5-7.30pm

Join us at the screening of the award-winning documentary Beauty is… (2014; 123min)

by Toyin Agbetu at the Gulbenkian Arts Centre on 16 May, at 5pm. Q&A with the director will follow.



Beauty Is…(2014), a documentary film by the scholar-activist, anthropologist, and guerrilla film-maker Dr Toyin Agbetu, explores beauty from a Pan African perspective.

Through multi-faceted discussions on skin tone, hair, body image and character, it addresses the impact of western standards and biased media on children and personal relationships, the risks posed by chemical straighteners and skin bleaching, and conditions like Vitiligo and Alopecia. Part of a global campaign to challenge governments and the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, the film debates the role of ethnicity, gender, culture and tradition in defining what beauty really is in a wonderfully diverse world.

Winner of the 2015 Screen Nation Film Awards’ Independent Spirit Production.

This screening is part of the project Decolonial Practices in Art and Culture led by Dr Eve Kalyva (School of Arts) and funded by Research England and the Migration and Movement signature research theme. It is co-organised with the Film, Media and Culture research group, School of Arts, University of Kent.

Q&A with the director, Toyin Agbetu, will follow the screening.

The event is free and unticketed.