Purpose of this guide

This guide is designed to help provide you with subject support identifying the most useful resources for students within the School of Anthropology and Conservation. Use the top menu option for more guidance on resources particularly recommended for your subject.

Getting Started using the Library

The best place to start searching for resources for your course is your online reading list and LibrarySearch.

Also, take some time to explore some of the other services that the Templeman Library has to offer.


Researching for Assignments

For assignments you will need to go beyond your reading list and do your own independent research. The Library subscribes to a number of subject databases helping you to find academic books and journal articles on your chosen topic. As well as traditional academic sources you may want to include other information such as field notebooks, personal accounts, newspaper or data. Our research skill module will help you identify different types of information, when these might be useful and where to search.

Anthropology Resources

Suggest a Resource

We are keen to encourage you to suggest additional resources that may bring additional value to the resources contained in this resource subject guide. If you feel that there is something missing (e.g. resourcevoices or perspective), then fill out this form and we will try our best to include your suggestions.