Dr Anna Jordanous had a paper accepted for oral presentation for the 7th Computational Creativity Symposium which will be held at the AISB convention 2020 (AISB-2020) (The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour). The paper is titled ‘Role-Based Perceptions of Computer Participants in Human-Computer Co-Creativity’ and is co-authored with Anna Kantosalo, Aalto University, Finland.
The convention was due to take place in April 2020 but has now been postponed to next year following the coronavirus outbreak. Anna is also a co-organiser of the 7th Computational Creativity Symposium.
The paper examines how computers and people can collaborate together in doing creative tasks. It argues that both the human and computational participants can be creative contributors in their own right. Our perception of what computers can contribute is limited by the roles we tend to allocate computational participants in such collaborations. Hence we can take inspiration from how people take different roles when collaborating, to broaden our categorisations and perceptions of what roles computers can take in creative collaborations.
Image credits: AISB Computational Creativity Symposium 2020