Branch meeting – The Green Paper, TEF and Implications for Universities

Keynes Lecture Theatre 3 (KLT3) – 1pm, 10 December 2015


Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities and Science, has published a Green Paper setting out plans for Higher Education. These include making it easier for new providers to set up and old ones to leave HE, and a new Teaching Excellence Framework. UCU’s president Dr Elizabeth Lawrence will consider what these developments will mean for our work and how UCU can respond. She will be speaking at a meeting on the Canterbury campus.




Meet The President – an informal opportunity to talk to UCU’s President and other members before the talk. Light lunch and refreshments provided – Keynes Seminar Room 14 (KS14) 12 midday, 10 December 2015

Organised by University of Kent UCU – queries + requests for lunch to Paul Hubert and Owen Lyne



UCU’s initial response 5 November 2015

Green Paper ‘Higher education: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice’ consultation page – consultation runs until 15 January 2016 Good source for info and comments