How you contact UK Visas and Immigration has changed

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The main changes for customers applying from outside the UK are:

  • All phone numbers and opening hours will change.
  • The number of languages offered is reducing to eight including English to reflect current usage.
  • Customers who contact UKVI by e-mail will be charged.

Opening hours for customers applying from outside the UK

Our English service phone line is open 24 hours Monday-Friday, with other languages available at times that reflect standard business hours where possible, see table below.

Language Number Opening hours (British Standard Time)
English +44 (0)203 481 1736 Monday-Friday, 24 hours
Arabic +44 (0)203 481 1737 Sunday-Thursday, 05.00-13.00
Cantonese +44 (0)203 481 1739 Monday-Friday, 01.00-09.00
French +44 (0)203 481 1740 Monday-Friday, 09.00-17.00
Hindi +44 (0)203 481 1741 Monday-Friday, 04.00-12.00
Mandarin +44 (0)203 481 1742 Monday-Friday, 01.00-09.00
Russian +44 (0)203 481 1743 Monday-Friday, 06.00-14.00
Spanish +44 (0)203 481 1738 Monday-Friday, 13.00-01.00

For more information on charges, and applicants from within the UK please see: 

If you have any further questions, please see the Q&A.

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