Young Adults’ Aspirations and Realities

Dr Steven Roberts, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Sociology, along with Professor Ann Berrington from the University of Southampton, will be presenting some key findings … Read more

11 November Lottie and Elliot launch

Book your place at our launch for ‘Looking out for Lottie’ and ‘Visiting Elliot’ here. You can also register for our popular training sessions on Child Sexual Exploitation … Read more

‘Towards a Critical Gang Studies’ webcast

If you are unable to attend Professor David Brotherton of CUNY’s seminar tomorrow, 23 October at 5.00pm, then join us via webcast Professor Brotherton … Read more

Counting down to our latest launch!

On Tuesday 11 November we will be launching our latest simulations at the University of Kent, Canterbury: ‘Looking out for Lottie‘ – addressing child sexual … Read more