Selection of Publications

See individual profiles of lab members for full publication lists



  • Dhont, K., Hodson, G., Loughnan, S., & Amiot, C. E. (2019). Rethinking human-animal relations: The critical role of social psychology. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
  • Meleady, R., Crisp, R. J., Dhont, K., Hopthrow, T., & Turner, R. N. (in press). Intergroup contact, social dominance and environmental concern: A test of the cognitive-liberalization hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Leite, A.C., Dhont, K., & Hodson, G. (2019). Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarian threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 179-189. [LINK]
  • Alleyne, E., & Parfitt, C. (2019). Adult-perpetrated animal abuse: A systematic review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 20. 344-357 doi:10.1177/1524838017708785
  • Alleyne, E., & Parfitt, C. (2018). Factors that distinguish aggression towards animals from other antisocial behaviors: Evidence from a community sample. Aggressive Behavior44, 481-490. doi:10.1002/ab.21768
  • Parfitt, C., & Alleyne, E. (2018)Animal Abuse Proclivity: Behavioral, Personality and Regulatory Factors Associated with Varying Levels of Severity. Psychology, Crime And Law. 24, 538-557. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2017.1332193
  • Parfitt, C., & Alleyne, E. (2018). Animal abuse as an outcome of poor emotion regulation: A preliminary conceptualization. Aggression and Violent Behavior42, 61-70. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2018.06.010
  • Wrenn, C. (2018). Free-Riders in the Non-Profit Industrial Complex: The Problem of Flexitarianism. Society and Animals [Online]:1-25. Available at:
  • Wrenn, C. (2018). Pussy Grabs Back: Bestialized Sexual Politics and Intersectional Failure in Protest Posters for the 2017 Women’s March. Feminist Media Studies [Online]:1-19. Available at:
  • Alleyne, E., & Henry, B. (2017). The Psychology of Animal Cruelty: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Psychology, Crime & Law24, 451-457. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2017.1414818
  • Dhont, K., Hodson, G., Leite, A.C. (2016). Common ideological roots of speciesism and generalized ethnic prejudice: The Social Dominance Human-Animal Relations Model (SD-HARM). European Journal of Personality, 30, 507-522.
  • Parfitt, C., & Alleyne, E. (2016). ‘Taking it out on the dog’: Psychological and behavioral correlates of animal abuse proclivity. Society & Animals, 24, 1-16.
  • Alleyne, E., Tilston, L., Parfitt, C., & Butcher, R. (2015). Adult-perpetrated animal abuse: Development of a proclivity scale. Psychology, Crime & Law, 21, 570-588. doi: 10.1080/1068316X.2014.999064
  • Hodson, G., & Dhont, K. (2015). The person-based nature of prejudice. Individual difference predictors of intergroup negativity. European Review of Social Psychology, 26, 1-42.
  • Dhont, K., & Hodson, G. (2014). Why do right-wing adherents engage in more animal exploitation and meat consumption? Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 12-17. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.02.002
  • Dhont, K., Hodson, G., Costello, K., & MacInnis, C. C. (2014). Social dominance orientation connects prejudicial human-human and human-animal relations. Personality and Individual Differences, 61-62, 105-108. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2013.12.020