Two-day Conference:
What Now? The Future of Gender Relations after #MeToo
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June 2019
Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury
Keynes Lecture Theatre 1 & 4 (KLT 1 & 4)
Keynote Speakers
Prof Julia Becker (University of Osnabrück):
“Male allies engaging in solidarity-based collective action”
Dr Joyce Endendijk (University of Utrecht):
“He’s a stud, she’s a slut: What can the sexual double standard teach us about gender relations after #MeToo?”
Dr Finn Mackay (University of the West of England):
“Feminism Interrupted: The revolution will not be on a tee-shirt”
Prof Michelle Ryan (University of Exeter):
“After #MeToo: Rethinking how we think about gender and sexism”
Professor Becker’s research focus on ways to explain why disadvantaged groups tolerate social systems that produce inequality. In particular her research focus on gender as an important social category influencing both individual and group level inequality.
Dr Endedijk studies how stereotypes influence parenting behaviours and child/adolescent outcomes, including gender stereotypes and sexual double standard endorsement using neuroscientific and experimental research methods. Dr Endendijk is an assistant professor in Social and Behavioural Sciences at Utrecht University.
Dr Mackay’s research examines British feminism and feminist activism, with a focus on the Second Wave of the 1970s and 1980s to the present day. Alongside academic research Dr Mackay is a well-known women’s activist and successfully revived the London reclaim the night march, in protest of gender-based sexual violence. Dr Mackay is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and the founder of the London Feminist Network.
Professor Ryan and her colleagues discovered the glass cliff phenomenon, whereby women are more likely to be appointed to precarious leadership positions than men. Named one of the ideas that shaped 2008 by New York Times. Other research interests include workplace gender stereotypes and men’s support for equality.
Click here to see the conference schedule.
Poster, blitz, and research TALK SUBMISSION
travel bursaries
If you are a postgraduate student at EasternArc institution, you can apply at your institution to have your travel costs to attend this conference covered. If you are unsuccessful, we can offer a small travel bursary (£10) for you to attend the conference. Please email Alina Salmen ( using the header “EasternArc Travel Bursary” if you would like to apply and outline the travel you need cover for.
PLANNING committee:
Dr Kristof Dhont, Aife Hopkins-Doyle, Aino Petterson , Alina Salmen, Dr Lauren Spinner, Prof Robbie Sutton
For general questions contact Aife Hopkins-Doyle –
This conference is organised by members of the Political Psychology Lab and the Centre for the Study of Group Processes at the University of Kent, supported by the Eastern ARC, and the School of Psychology at Kent.
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