CPCS press coverage in 2012

Free Will, Just an Illusion? In this debate held at the Battle of Ideas 2012, speakers include Professor Joe Friggieri, Head of Philosophy, University of Malta; Dr Daniel Glaser, head of Special Projects, Wellcome Trust; Neal Lawson, author, All Consuming and Dr Ellie Lee, director, Centre of Parenting Culture Studies.

The Royal Fetus in the Spotlight. Jennie Bristow summaries in Abortion Review some discussion looking at what reporting on Kate Middleton’s pregnancy tells us about contemporary culture

What’s your poison? The impact of alcohol and smoking. Report on a discussion about infertility services at the Progress Education Trust annual conference. Speakers included Ellie Lee.

How child protection policies harm children. Article by Frank Furedi, about plans to create a new database of children who visit A&E unit

Has breastfeeding been oversold? Some experts take aim at ‘breast is best’ claims. Medical Xpress article, with comment from Joan Wolf

Whither abortion policy in Britain?  From the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. PDF available on request from the author E.J.Lee@kent.ac.uk

Bullying debate. CPCS Associate Helene Guldberg (author of Reclaiming Childhood, Freedom and Play in an Age of Fear) on BBC2 Radio Jeremy Vine show at about 72 minutes)

‘Who Owns the Abortion Debate’, Woman’s Hour Item with Ellie Lee and Julie Bindel

Dr Jan Macvarish discusses teenage mums on ‘Inside Out South East’. October 2012, and on Radio Sussex and Radio Kent

Helene Guldberg, ‘Switch Off the Junk Science, Not the TV’ Spiked Online

‘Forget pushy parenting it’s time to set your child free’ with comment from Frank Furedi in the Telegraph

Letter in response to ‘What’s the difference between these two brains?’ in the Telegraph from CPCS affiliates and others

Dr Ellie Lee recently debated the ‘Breastfeeding could save the NHS £40m/year’ UNICEF report on Channel Four News. Dr Charlotte Faircloth was on Radio 5 LiveDrive (56.48) and Newsnight discussing the same report (22.30), and wrote ‘How women feed their babies isn’t just about statistics’ for the Independent and i

Helen Reece, ‘Domestic autonomy takes another beating’, Spiked

‘Screen time health warning for kids’, Sky News, with comment from Ellie Lee

Couples who share the housework are more likely to divorce, study findsDaily Telegraph, with comment by Frank Furedi

Frank Furedi, ‘Why the ‘couples where women do more housework stay together ‘ study isn’t shocking. The Independent

Using science to freak out parents’, by Nancy McDermott and Stuart Derbyshire

Moms have nothing to fear from formula’, by Joan Wolf

The Social Cost of Litigation, by Frank Furedi and Jennie Bristow

We’re creating adult-phobic children’, with comment by Frank Furedi

Summary of the debate following the Time Magazine feature on AP, with comments from Charlotte Faircloth and Nancy McDermott

Attachment parenting: can baby be too attached?’, with comment by Frank Furedi

How the nationalisation of parenting stoked the Riots’ by Jennie Bristow

Frank Furedi, speaking against the motion ‘The Baby Boomers have stolen the family silver‘ at the Intelligence Squared debate at the Royal Geographical Society on 27 October 2011.

Read Charlotte Faircloth’s piece for the Independent Blog on the Time Magazine cover/story on attachment parenting, ‘Are you Mom Enough?

Watch her debate the issues on Channel 4 news (and on You Tube)

Also watch Ellie Lee in debate on BBC Newsnight about the Government’s latest parent-training scheme here, about 20 minutes in

Listen to the debate on this topic on BBC Radio Kent (comments from Ellie Lee about 16 minutes in).

Jennie Bristow, ‘Debating the gap between policy and practice’ (write up of recent event on contraception and abortion)

Nancy McDermott, ‘Thank you, Maurice Sendak

What kind of woman gets pregnant just to take a year off work?’ with comment from Ellie Lee.
The teenage pregnancy myth‘, BBC Radio 4, with Jan Macvarish

Jennie Bristow, ‘How anti-abortionists are upping the ante

Anti-abortion campaign aims to remove women’s choice by the back door‘, with comment from Jennie Bristow

Sally Sheldon, ‘The Abortion Act’s paternalism belongs to the 1960s

Nancy McDermott, ‘No bowing down before Bébé

Frank Furedi, ‘The Divided State of America

Obsession with safety is risking our children’s well-being‘, with comment from Helene Guldberg

This therapeutic madness is taking over our schools‘, with comment from Frank Furedi

Jennie Bristow, ‘Sex Selection and the abortion counselling conspiracy

Sally Sheldon, on whether ‘sex selection abortion’ is illegal

Ellie Lee, on the policy history of abortion counselling

Nancy McDermott, ‘Why I don’t ‘like’ this nipple campaign

Zoe Williams, ‘Why We Can’t Get Enough of Childbirth on TV’, with comments from Jennie Bristow and Jan Macvarish  28.1.12

Helene Guldberg, ‘Ignore these pedlars of panic, the kids are alright…

Frank Furedi, ‘Instead of drugs, children need a good dose of parenting’ The Australian  and also at: http://www.frankfuredi.com/index.php/site/article/516/

Butting Out and Letting Go‘, with Helene Guldberg 7.1.12