Talk to me

The Logins for lifeproject, in the next couple of weeks, will enter the Requirements Gathering phase. Matthew Slowe (initially) and I  will be approaching  system owners and users both on and off campus to help with our research. A  short presentation of the aims and scope of Logins for Life will be followed by a series of questions on what this could mean for stakeholders.

We are keen to hear from as many people as possible so if you want to get in touch or make a comment please don’t hesitate – you don’t have to be at Kent or a staff member – in fact we are particularly keen to hear from those who don’t currently have connections with the University – but may do in the future – and those who used to have a connection with the university but don’t any longer.

Or maybe you work or study at another Higher Education establishment and have already adopted  a  ‘Logins for Life’ type approach?  Our surveys will seek answers to set questions – what resources currently available to you would you like to retain when you leave the University?  how important is mobile access? –  but we are also interested in the bigger picture.

Does the future for access to on-line learning resources  lie with integration into social networking technologies, such as Facebook?

Is there a demand for HEI’s to provide a  life long email service?

How can we deal with users with multiple digital identiites?  One or more of which they may already have on first contact with the HEI.

Published by

Leo Lyons

I am an analyst currently employed by the University of Kent to research and draw up recommendations in connection with the JISC funded Logins for Life project. The project is looking at ways of extending Kent's online relationship with its users beyond just the time they might spend with us as students and staff. The project is also investigating ways to link exisiting digitial identities with Kent IT accounts.

3 thoughts on “Talk to me”

  1. Hi Leo, I’m Robin from UEA.

    We’re working on another JISC project aiming to expose library services into social networking sites (see
    Part of our project is looking at how best to protect the data. We’re interested in linking external social identities to institutional identities, while ensuring levels of assurance – similar to what you’re doing in your project. So we’d be interested to see how you work progresses, may be we could have a chat?

    I think we may be interested in the project more generally too – I like the idea of a long term identifier. A recent student focus group here showed that students are tending to avoid using institutional email to apply for jobs, because they don’t want important emails to get lost when their course ends. So count us in.

    Best wishes

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