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Special Issue “Maximum Entropy Applied to Inductive Logic and Reasoning”
All those interested in MaxEnt, Inductive Logic and/or reasoning might want to look at this special issue:
Special Issue on Maximum Entropy applied to inductive logic and reasoning
Call for expressions of interest
Please contact us ( by 31st March 2014 if you would be interested in submitting a paper to this special issue. The submission deadline is likely to be 15th of September 2014, and the journal is likely to be the open access journal Entropy.
Since E.T. Jaynes showed how maximising Shannon Entropy can be applied to rational belief formation, Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) methods have played an important role in inductive reasoning. This special issue provides a forum for proponents, opponents and practitioners to discuss and advance the current state of the art.
Topics of interest
Specic areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Philosophical accounts of MaxEnt methods for inductive logic,
- Philosophical accounts of MaxEnt methods for reasoning — We explicitly welcome contributions arguing for or against MaxEnt methods.
- MaxEnt methods for rational agents — in a single, a multi-agent or an autonomous agent setting.
- Applications of MaxEnt to inductive logic.
- Axiomatic accounts of MaxEnt in inductive logic.
- Applications of MaxEnt to reasoning in general.
- Axiomatic accounts of MaxEnt to reasoning in general.
- Connections of MaxEnt to scoring rules.
- Surveys of the \state of the art” in one of the above areas.
- Historical perspectives on MaxEnt and inductive logic with a focus on where we stand today.
This special issue will be edited by Jon Williamson and me.
ILCS 2013 Announcement
Good news everyone,
the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, and the University of Kent Centre for Reasoning
will found the ILCS 2013 which I am co-organizing. All welcome, just drop me an email before, so that there will be enough coffee.
We are now calling for extended abstracts (~1 page). Just less than one month until the deadline now, so you’d better hurry!
Organizing Progic 2015
I am co-organizing Progic 2015 anyone interested in joining the committee may drop me an email.
My website may be found at
my email address is
Talk in Manchester
I will be giving a talk at the Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences on the 13th of March.
An abstract can be found here: