Category Archives: Teaching

NEW MA in Imperial History

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We are delighted to announce the launch of a new Master’s programme in Imperial History here at the University of Kent.

This brand new programme examines key themes and regions in the making of world history from the 18th century to the present day.

Imperial history is a rapidly growing and innovative field of historical research, which offers you the opportunity to explore the origins, workings and legacies of empires. By critically engaging with a range of theoretical and empirical literatures, as well as conducting original research, you use historical data to tackle momentous questions relating to violence, development and global inequality.

Led by five specialists in the School of History, the programme takes a broad interdisciplinary approach which also encompasses renowned academics from other departments. The team offers particular expertise in African political history, the history of military technology and conflict, global histories of religion and the newly-emerging field of children and childhoods. You also have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the Centre for the History of Colonialisms.

This programme offers an ideal launching pad for students who envisage careers with an international dimension or plan to embark on doctoral work.

Two bursaries to cover full-time tuition fees at the home/EU rate will be made available on a competitive basis. Details about funding opportunities will be posted on the School of History website here in due course. For further information and informal enquiries, prospective applicants should contact either the MA convenor, Dr. Giacomo Macola ( or Faye Beesley, the School of History’s Postgraduate Co-ordinator (


Dissertation Prize

The Centre for the History of Colonialisms is delighted to announce a new prize for the best third-year undergraduate dissertation in imperial and/or non-western history.

To be considered for the prize candidates must submit their dissertation by 12.00 on Friday 19 June 2015.

More information about the prize and how to submit your entry can be found in the Prizes section of the website.