Enhancement Week – Postgraduate Study at Kent

Have you thought about your next steps in academia?

The Graduate School is holding a number workshops for Undergraduate and Master’s students who are thinking about their future in academia.

Wednesday 7 November

Talk to our Postgraduates

14.00 – 16.00, Graduate School
CE329, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Current Master’s and PhD students have volunteered their time to talk to you about their time as a postgraduate student. You can ask them about their experiences and what life is like as a postgraduate at Kent. Hear about postgraduate facilities, intensity of workload and how they manage their finances. Get to know what expectations are realistic and tips on establishing a work/life balance. Ask about support and what relationships/contacts they have developed during study and, find out what challenges there may be to overcome.

Register here.

Thursday 8 November

Designing a Research Proposal or Master’s Application

13.00-16.00, Graduate School
CE329, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Dr Jo Collins, Postgraduate Development Advisor – Graduate School.

This workshop is aimed at students who are putting together a Master’s application or research proposals for PhD projects. We will consider what a good application/proposal needs, examine some examples of successful applications/proposals, and consider some tips and tricks from successful applicants. Participants should bring along their draft applications (if you have already started), as there will be an opportunity to work on these in the session. The workshop will provide a supportive, interactive work space for participants who are designing their own projects.

Register here


Friday 9 November

Kent Scholarships – what’s on offer?

10.00 – 11.00, Graduate School Training Room, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Stephen McLaughlin, Postgraduate Funding Officer and Louise Mann, Scholarships and Research Councils Assistant.

This workshop is designed to give you an insight into applying for postgraduate scholarships at Kent. We will be covering what to look for when searching for a scholarship, both at Kent and from scholarship search engines and also what makes a good application. How are Scholarship decisions made? What can I expect out of a scholarship? The workshop will cover both Master’s and PhD scholarships. This will be a fully interactive session with a scholarship themed puzzles to solve.

Register here.


Friday 9 November

Postgraduate Funding: Considering the Alternatives

13.00 – 16.00, Graduate School Training Room, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Need extra funding? For fees, living expenses, research, travel, conferences.
If the answer is ‘Yes’ to any of these, then consider this workshop with Dr Luke Blaxill, Director of GradFunding. It explores the thousands of alternative grant-making bodies in Britain: principally charities, trusts, and foundations.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained the knowledge and skills needed to:

1. identify the appropriate and best alternative funding bodies for them
2. find these bodies via books and the internet
3. apply strongly and in the correct fashion.

Register here.

Normal Festival: Imagining Autism Cafe

School of Arts academics Professor Nicola Shaughnessy and Dr Melissa Trimingham will be bringing their Imagining Autism research project into view this Friday at the Festival of the Brain in Folkestone.

Schedule for the day in brief:


Participate Pop-Up Café

11am–4.30pm, The Clearing, FREE

Participate community café will be popping up

in The Clearing, offering an autism-friendly menu

that includes gluten- and dairy-free food and

a relaxed space to hang out.



Living with Autism: Roundtable

Midday (60 mins), Brewery Tap, £2

This chaired discussion brings together different

perspectives on living with autism – from parents,

siblings, autistic self-advocates and members of the

autistic community.



Living with Autism: Problem Solving

1pm (60 mins), Brewery Tap, £2

A structured session.



Perceiving Differently

2.30pm (45 mins), Quarterhouse Auditorium, £2

A workshop that invites participants to see and

experience the world around them differently, using

some of the training techniques developed for

Imagining Autism.



Playing A/Part: Women & Autism

3.45pm (60 mins), Quarterhouse Auditorium, £2


Please take a look at the brochure for full listings – CF_normal18_A5booklet_DIGITAL

Invitation to The Dream – A Musical about child soldiers, UN intervention and War

You are all invited to the opening show of the musical ‘The Dream’.

The musical will be produced in collaboration with the Iris Theatre at the Actors Church St Paul’s in Covent Garden 12 May 2018 at 7:30pm.

The Dream is a musical written to inspire and bring awareness about how it may feel to flee war. It follows the lives of a family in the war torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who are having to flee war to Norway with the help of two Swedish missionaries. The scenes also bring light to the sad reality of being a child soldier and the intervention of the United Nations in the country.

For tickets please visit: www.actorschurch.org

For more information: 

Abortion in Britain: past, present and future event

FREE EVENT – Abortion in Britain: past, present and future

Wednesday 21st March

Venue: Moot Chamber, Wigoder Building, Kent Law School, University of Kent, Canterbury

Marking the 50th Anniversary of the passage and implementation of the Abortion Act 1967, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies from SSPSSR has organised an afternoon of discussion, together with Kent’s Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Reproduction (CISoR) and KLS. All Welcome.

1:30pm Coffee and Welcome

2-3.15pm ‘Kind to Women: how the 1967 Abortion Act changed our lives’

Film show and Q and A with film director, Jayne Kavanagh (UCL Medical School)

About the film:

The passing of the 1967 Abortion Act was a pivotal moment for women’s health and women’s lives. The culmination of decades of campaigning, it finally ended the horror of deaths from self-induced and backstreet abortions. It precipitated the public funding of contraception for all and meant that, finally, women were able to choose when and whether to have children. In this moving documentary, women who survived illegal abortion and the nurses who picked up the pieces when things went wrong, and campaigning doctors and abortion rights advocates share vivid memories of the time; and bring to life the story of this ground breaking legislation and of a historic turning point for women’s rights.

3.30-5pm ‘The future of abortion: the case for decriminalisation’

Discussion with opening comments from Professor Sally Sheldon (Kent Law School) and Ann Furedi, CEO, British Pregnancy Advisory Service and author, The Moral Case for Abortion.

5-6pm Drinks Reception, and meet the author, with Ann Furedi

25% discount for students on The Moral Case for Abortion book purchase on the day!

If you are interested along coming to the event please make sure you sign up for a tickets at this link:


For more information about the event please feel free to contact me at vp238@kent.ac.uk

Alumni Pub Night – March 2018

The Alumni Pub Nights series is Kent’s social and networking series for alumni and students. The next Pub Night will be on Tuesday 27 March with the theme of career advice and mentoring. We’d love you to see you there to catch up on news from Kent and socialise with current students and fellow alumni.

The University of Kent’s Careers and Employability Service will be joining us to talk about what help they can give students, staff and alumni and how the mentoring platform, KEW-NET, could be of use to you.

Alumni should come along to find out how you can help a Kent student progress in their career by mentoring, talking on campus, taking part in Kent’s Employability Festival or taking on a student for work experience. This is also a great opportunity for 1st or 2nd year students to come along to find out upcoming graduate careers fairs and work experience opportunities.

We will be at the Miller’s Arms in Canterbury on Tuesday 27 March from 18.00 – 20.00. Please still come along even if you don’t need careers advice to meet with current students and fellow alumni! First drink and nibbles provided. Please register here.

School of Arts’ Alumnus producing Evolution Festival

Evolution Festival


This festival is packed with loads of exciting events and I believe the panel discussions could be useful to students as they are FREE!


Here is the link for more info. > https://www.facebook.com/TEAfilms/

The Film fest is FREE! And is followed by a panel discussion about women in the arts.


Here is the link to where tickets can be purchased.  


BFI Future Film Festival 2018

11th BFI Future Film Festival

15-18 February 2018

The UK’s most important film industry festival for young, emerging filmmakers is back with another jam-packed line up of events that will inspire you to make films and provide you with the industry insights you need to pursue a career in the film, TV and creative industries.

We have programmed events that span the breadth and depth of the film industry covering animation, fiction, docs and experimental filmmaking, with industry professionals representing a huge range of job roles taking part in interactive master classes, industry workshops, screenings and Q+A’s, as well as networking opportunities. Alongside some specially selected feature films we’ll be screening the best short films that have been submitted to this year’s BFI Future Film Festival (and that’s no easy task with over 2000 entries!) And we’ll be giving awards and prizes to some of the most talented emerging young filmmakers with films in the festival at this year’s Future Film awards ceremony on the evening of Thurs 15 Feb.

We are continuing our work of championing diversity in filmmaking throughout the festival and will be kicking off every day with a keynote speech by incredible female filmmakers.

We are also taking the BFI Future Film Festival into more international waters, thanks to the kind support of our friends at The London School of English. This year we’ll have TWO international awards to give away and we’ll be welcoming industry professionals from across the globe and partners from international film festivals to join us at BFI Southbank.

Tickets start at just £12 for a full day pass (which includes access to the daily Keynote speech, attendance at three events/screenings per day, the option to attend our daily networking drinks event, and access to our Behind the Scenes delegate area), or you can come to all four days for just £40. So, buy your ticket and kick start your film career now!

Book tickets here: https://whatson.bfi.org.uk/futurefilmfestival/Online/default.asp

Watch the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvx090-frP

BBC show looking to recruit runners

BBC Flog It are looking for event runners to join us for a one day shoot at Dover Castle, Castle Hill, Dover, Kent, CT16 1HU on Thursday 8th Febuary 2018

You will be offered a casual contract and paid the NMW – you must be over 18 to apply and have the legal right to work in the UK.

You need to be available for the whole day (7.45am – approx. 7:00pm) and provide your own transport to and from the venue. We will not consider any applications if you are located more than one hour drive from the location. Travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

We will provide lunch and refreshments for you on the day. You must also have a current passport OR an official tax document stating your National Insurance number (P45/P60) with your long birth certificate for registration purposes.

To apply please email me (robert.spanring@bbc.co.uk) with your:

  • Name
  • Cover letter & CV
  • Current Postal Address
  • Date of Birth
  • National Insurance number
  • Telephone number

Alumni Pub Nights

The next Pub Night will be on Tuesday 30 January with the theme of business start-up. This will be a great opportunity to network with fellow alumni and current Kent students and catch up on news from Kent.

The Kent Hub for Innovation and Enterprise will be joining us to talk about how you can start your own business and what help the University can give students, staff and alumni.

Come along to find out about business start-up workshops, online modules, mentors and workspace facilities that may help you get your business going. You’ll also get the chance to hear from and speak to Kent graduate, David Browne, who started his own business with help from the University so it will be great for those who are not sure where to start or those just starting. David founded Convert Energy, a renewable energy design and project management company based in Canterbury, with his business partner Ben Glancy.

We will be at the Miller’s Arms in Canterbury on Tuesday 30 January from 18.00 – 20.00. Please still come along even if you aren’t thinking of starting your own business to meet with current students and fellow alumni! Register here to get your first drink free.


Success Project – Inspiring Speaker

Inspiring Speaker – Colin Colas. Thursday 18th January 12:30 – 14:00 in the Moot Room, Wigoder building.

Title: What I wish I knew at university: Thinking Globally and Never say Never


Colin will speak about fresh, new and effective approaches to attract, capitalise and create career opportunities, including the power of networking. He will share his tips for overcoming challenges to achieve success and for transitioning from university into a successful career.

Colin is in the Civil Service Fast Stream at the Ministry of Justice and is heading to the Foreign Office next, to work on international development projects across Asia-Pacific and East Africa. Previously he spent two years studying Mandarin in China having won a scholarship from the Chinese government, where he launched an entrepreneurship event sponsored by the British Consulate in Shanghai and he has valuable experience in business development and marketing communications.
