Actors wanted – 4 (1 male and 3 female) or (2 male and 2 female)

Character description –

Oli (male) – a soft, quiet character who sports a strong tough physique. He someone who is struggling with what to do after uni. The uncertainty causes anxiety in him and creates friction between him and his girlfriend (Alex).

Alex (female) – a strong and well-spoken girl who has a plan for almost everything, her flaw is her unwillingness to change her plans for anyone. She loves her boyfriend but is unsure of how to deal with his problems and this causes her to think about the future they have.

Ezra (female/male) – A happy-go-lucky character who is dating Morgan. She/he is the adult within their relationship and also within the group dynamic. She/he offers wise words that more often than not get ignored by the ones she offers them too which causes hints of frustration.

Morgan (female) – A girl who cherishes her alcohol a little too much, rarely seen without a drink in her hand. She refuses to admit she has a problem and brushes off any forms of sympathy offered her way. She loves her girlfriend (Ezra) and her other 2 friends so much, she would do anything to help them, but refuses the help herself.

Dates of filming – Week 20.

Commitment of time required – 3 days shoot

Dates of auditions – 2 & 3 March 2017 ( AUDITIONS IN Jarman 6  on Friday between 3-4pm PLEASE COME UP )

Please contact : Sammy Bradshaw (sb870) sb870@kent.ac.uk